When Fun Stops: A Story of loss

Photo by Zakaria Ahada on Unsplash

I’ll always remember the day I picked up my Barbies and all desire to play was gone. Vanished. Poof.

My bike no longer a car, my stuffed animals now void of personality, my mashed potatoes nothing more than, well, potatoes.

That day my imagination walked out the door, no goodbye, no farewell, no see you later.

I don’t think I realized what had happened then. Maybe I still don’t.

I spent most of that summer riding up and down familiar streets. Cedarwood, Victoria, Mount Pleasant. But no matter how hard I tried, I never did find it.



Emilie Perreault

Exploring life as an introverted, sensitive, multipotentialite. You can learn more about me at www.libraryofpotential.com